Who We Are

Mallory Molina
Mallory Molina is a postdoctoral research associate at Montana State University. Her current research focuses on active black holes in dwarf galaxies. She recently defended her dissertation on nuclear activity and star formation in galaxies. She was a summer intern with VanguardSTEM in 2016, and is involved with groups across campus that support students of color in science.

Dr. Angie Wolfgang
Angie Wolfgang is a National Science Foundation Astronomy & Astrophysics Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Penn State. She/they does research in exoplanet demographics and population-based astrostatistics. Angie strongly believes that understanding and empathy must be the foundation for conversations about diversity, equity, and inclusion, and works to build a supportive community of scientists in her/their workplace. You can read more about Angie’s scientific contributions at https://sites.psu.edu/awolfgang/.

Jonathan Jackson
Jonathan Jackson is a graduate student at Penn State. He studies exoplanet dynamics with a specific focus on the formation and migration of hot and warm Jupiters. Jonathan is the Astronomy department’s graduate student chair of prospective student recruitment and strives to be an active and empathetic ally for his colleagues with marginalized identities.

Caleb Cañas
Caleb Cañas is a graduate student at Penn State. His current research interests are low-mass stars, binary systems, and exoplanet characterization. Caleb is excited to be a part of TaMIA and hopes to learn how to create a supportive environment for everyone.